Dealing with emotional stress is one of the biggest issues of our society today as a whole. What makes me think this?
I see more and more people "snapping" either literally or emotionally. This snapping happens all the time. I see parents exploding on their kids for very little reason. I see people frequently harming themselves or harming others. And I also see many people that get their feelings hurt by someone else and so they explode on other people.
What most people do not realize is that there are underlying issues, or hidden obstacles, that cause them to do that. When these issues are left unresolved, stress and other emotions continue to have a negative impact and people live below their true potential.
Usually these hidden obstacles manifest themselves in people starting something and then stopping and they are not sure why. Some people don't even start because of these hidden barriers.
Dealing with emotional stress is one of the most important things that we can do to care for our mental well-being.
I frequently receive emails from people describing a situation in which their feelings are hurt and wondering who is right and who is wrong. I view these emails very differently than most people would. I don't pick who is right or wrong. My greater concern is emotional healing. The question that is going on in my mind is "What has happened to them previously in their life that is causing them to respond this way?"
These experiences show me that there is so much more going on than just proper manners and etiquette. These questions usually have more to do with their own personal barriers than they do about manners. There are people that need to improve their life and so I wanted to make this service available to my site visitors.
I offer a free, 25 minute session which I call the Stress Elimination Breakthrough Session. This empowering session includes: