Dinner Invitation Etiquette
~Start The Party Right~
Having a dinner party?
Using dinner invitation etiquette will make a
for a happy host and a good time.
all begins when your friends receive the invitation for
the evening. By sending them out in a timely manner you will be able to
start you party smoothly, days, even weeks before it begins.

Whether it is a formal dinner party or a backyard barbeque, you should
select an invitation that
the evening. Be creative and have fun with the invitation
itself. However, a proper dinner invitation always includes the name of
the hosts, the date, time, address and RSVP. If you are having a
celebration, include that too.
Formal dinner invitations
are special and they require extra care. They should be written out
using proper invitation etiquette. Use the third person in the
invitation (Jim and Lisa invite you to share an evening with them)
Spelling out time (six o'clock in the evening) and the date (the twenty
third of March, two thousand and ten) will add the class that is
necessary with a formal invitation. They should be sent via postal
delivery anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks in advance. This will allow your
guests the appropriate amount of time to arrange their schedules.
Informal dinner invitation etiquette is much
simpler in nature.
These invitations can be sent using email, e-vites, the phone, fax or
postal mail anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks in advance. They
can be fun in nature, however they do need to include all of the vital
information, as discussed above. The dates and time do not need to be
spelled out.
Placing an RSVP at the end of the invitations is very acceptable, you
do need to be able to plan the food. There are times when the guests do
not take advantage of the RSVP. This does not show dinner invitation
manners. If this happens to you,
is good phone manners to call your guests and see if they
are planning
on coming. This will give you the numbers you need.
If you have received a dinner invitation,
please use your manners
and RSVP, even if you are not planning on attending. Along with your
RSVP, express your gratitude to your would-be hosts for the invitation.
It makes us all happy when we use our manners.
Getting the party started off on the right foot is key. Dinner
invitation etiquette will do that for you. People
love to be invited to dinner
and share an evening with good friends.