Your etiquette quitting a job can be very important. Not only do you want to be classy in leaving, but you never know when you are going to need those contacts in the future. Burn a bridge now, and it can come back to burn you later on.
That is why we wanted to dedicate a page on our site to your manners when quitting a job. There is a natural tendency for many people...
Many people that are quitting a job are doing so because they have either:
my line of work, everyone in the industry knows each other. So, if I
were to ever resign from a position and not do it diplomatically, it
could end up being suicide for my career. Since everyone knows each
other and they talk frequently, it
is critical for me to maintain that good reputation.
Even if you didn't work in an industry where everyone knows each other, it is the right thing to do to show proper etiquette quitting a job.
Make sure you give plenty of notice. There is nothing more unprofessional than just walking out on the job. Provide them with plenty of notice before you leave.
One thing that makes a huge difference is offering to train your replacement. If they are not going to have the replacement lined up before you leave, then it is good business etiquette to document your job so that someone at least has access to your notes.
Continue to work. Your employer is still paying you a fair wage, so you should provide them with a fair day's work in return. You can really burn your reputation by not showing up during the time that you have provided notice.
I also highly recommend getting contact information for your co-workers and supervisors. You never know when you will need these contacts in the future. If you do not show proper etiquette quitting a job, these people will not be a good addition to your network.
Lastly, the exit interview is not the time to vent. This is the time to finalize anything that needs to be done; such as final paperwork, insurance information, 401K and so on. If you use this final opportunity to tell them how horrible the company is, you are destroying your reputation. Even if the company doesn't deserve it, leave on a good note and show them a better way.