What is family etiquette? For us, it is all about doing the right things at home so that people are happy, relationships are thriving and growing, and having a safe, peaceful home. That sounds great! But...how do you do that in a busy, crazy world?
That is the purpose of this section of our website. It is all about respecting others in the home and knowing how to use manners and etiquette to develop friendships.
see too many parents that treat their children like they are a burden.
The parents have no interest in spending time with the kids or doing
anything with them. As I look at these situations, I have to ask
myself, "How can that child be successful when they are wondering if
anyone loves them or has an interest in them?"
In order to help you develop those relationships with your children, we will give you some tips and advice on how to stay connected with them and use proper manners to cultivate those relationships.
If you have teenagers, you may wonder how to teach etiquette for teens? These tips will help you with that challenge.
What do you do when your children grow up and are out of the house? How do you continue to stay connected with them? We have some thoughts for that too. Part of family etiquette is staying connected regardless of how old people get. Family is always family at any age.
To tell you the truth, proper family etiquette always starts with the parents and how healthy their relationship is. That is why for us, relationship etiquette is everything.
Growing up, I had a very good friend that had parents that did not like to be together. Marriage was just something that was convenient to them, but there was not a relationship there. He suffered growing up and still does not have a spouse because of that influence growing up. Let me give you another example:
I have one co-worker at work that is getting a divorce from their husband and all she talks about is how horrible men are. That is behavior that you could expect from someone that is getting divorced. What surprised me is that I hear two other female co-workers talking to her about how awful their husbands are and they are both still married!
If their husbands could hear the way that they talk about them, I think they would be devastated. I know I would be if my wife spoke of me the same way. In order to truly be happy in the home, you must use manners and etiquette with your spouse. If your spouse is not your best friend, there is work to be done in the relationship.
We will also cover some thoughts and ideas about extended family relationships. This would include things like cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. and how to keep in contact with them.
I have also seen many parents that have a difficult time teaching manners and etiquette because they do not know how to make it fun. We have ideas on how manners can be fun to learn.
Our hope in this section is that stronger families will result from treating people the right way. There are so many bad influences in the world that you do not need that to creep into your home. When you use the right principles, your home can be a place of peace and happiness regardless of what is going on outside in society.