Gym etiquette is another facet of having manners and etiquette. When it comes to fitness etiquette, it is really just a matter of being considerate towards other people. In fact, isn't that what manners and etiquette are all about in the first place?
So, what are some ways to be considerate towards others? We are glad you asked! This page will focus on different tips and techniques to improve your workout etiquette.
1. Be
aware of where your and your stuff are
- One of the biggest ways to offend others is to not be aware of where
you are positioned and your personal items. Let me give an example:
A person goes to the free weights, grabs a couple of dumbbells, and uses them in front of the rack. No, no one else can grab a set of dumbbells without being rude.
Another example would be to leave your towel and water bottle on workout machines you are not using. This means that no one else can use them either. As I mentioned above, a good portion of gym etiquette is all about being considerate of other people.
2. When you are done with a machine, wipe it down - You know you hate it when you go to workout on a machine and find it wet from the previous person that used it. So, since we are thinking of others, take the time to wipe down the machine.
3. Be polite and do not stare - Staring is rude enough, but doing it at the gym seems to multiply the rudeness factor ten times over. There are many people at the gym that uncomfortable for a variety of reasons. It could be that they are not comfortable with the way they look, with the way that they workout, or feel vulnerable if they are alone.
So, the easiest way to help with this is to ensure that you do not stare. Good gym etiquette will be displayed when you are polite to others.
4. Use cell phone etiquette - I have noticed many people that get annoyed at others when they are using their phone while working out. There is a time and a place to use your cell phone and the gym is not it.
If you are not familiar with cellular phone etiquette, you will need to review the rules and follow them. This can be one way to offend people very quickly.
5. Clothing and dress - It is key that you dress to workout. Wear appropriate clothing to exercise in. The gym is a place for athletic wear, not the latest runway fashions.
To make your workout a success, use the golden rule. It is essential that you treat others and the equipment with respect.
What is the worst example of gym etiquette that you have been a part of? What is it that irritates you about others at the gym? Share your pet peeves here so that everyone can benefit by not making the same mistakes!
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Too much talking and acting tough Not rated yet
Very annoying when guys stand around talking constantly and getting in the way. 98 percent of the time talking then when they finally do a set it is way …