History of Etiquette

The history of etiquette shows where etiquette started and how it has changed over the years. As you will see from this review, it has definitely come a long way!

Many people wonder how etiquette began. Were there a bunch of people that had higher learning and education that created these rules of etiquette? Or were there a bunch of people that were bored that needed something to do so they created some ways to act. The truth is, both of those are correct. 

Etiquette is widely attributed to the nobles in France going back to about the 1600 and 1700s. From what history has told us, as they were the upper class in society, they were educated and sophisticated. Others say that they were bored and needed something to do. The truth is probably a combination of the two. 

The history of etiquette shows that these rules and principles were written and posted for people to follow. Etiquette is a French word for placard which means they were posted. 

In America, one of the first signs we have that speak of etiquette and manners was the writings of George Washington called Rules of Civility.

As these rules were more and more defined, they changed over the years. During the times of the late 1800s and early 1900s, etiquette had changed to include how children should act towards each other, their teachers in a school setting, and their parents. This type of behavior included bowing, curtsying, and not to speak until spoken to. 

Probably the most notable contribution to the world of etiquette came in 1922 from a lady named Emily Post. She wrote a book that is widely considered as the bible of etiquette. The book was called Etiquette - In Society, In Business, In Politics, In Home. She quickly was regarded as the pioneer of modern etiquette. 

In the history of etiquette, who could forget the Miss Manners columns that also helped manners and etiquette be on the main stage of society.

What has etiquette and manners become today? For most people, manners and etiquette has become much more relaxed and casual. Instead of all the rigid rules and code of etiquette, people have opted for the more friendly, take it as it comes type of mentality.

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