Is it rude to attend the wedding of someone you never knew existed?

Is it rude to attend the wedding of someone you never knew existed?

My husband has a friend whom he hunts with a great deal and he occasionally does business with. This friend's daughter is getting married and we have been invited to the out-of-town wedding. My husband wants to go for the "party". He has only barely met the bride and I did not even know she existed. I think it is rude to attend the wedding of someone you have never met. I barely know her parents and feel it was also rude of them to invite people to her wedding that she nor the groom do not know. Am I being unreasonable?

Should You or Shouldn't You?
In complex situations such as this one, there is never one right answer. It is common that a wedding guest list is as much, if not more about who the parents would like to come as it is about those that the bride and groom would like to invite. This is one of those situations. Your husband and the father of the groom have spent a lot of time together. It seems to me that the father of the groom would like you and your husband to come and celebrate his daughter's wedding with him.
A few month's back my husband and I were invited to one of his co-worker's wedding out of town. Initially we decided that he would go alone, because I had only met his co-worker once and it didn't seem to justify the expenses related to both of us traveling. At the last minute I decided to go and we used this time as a vacation for us. It was by far one of the best times that we have had together.
So my advice to you would be to accompany your husband and use the time to celebrate your relationship as you celebrate one just beginning.
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