Website etiquette is an important topic to consider when it comes to online etiquette or "netiquette" as it is called. There is a growing trend in today's society where people do not use website manners. For some reason, they believe that because they are online, they can be rude and offensive and it will not matter.
does matter though and this page will show you how to have a good
website that delivers value and lets people feel comfortable while on
your site.
One thing that will help with how visitors feel on your site is to reduce the flashing text and scrolling pictures. Too much flash or videos can also make the site feel too busy. You want to have a smooth, clean site.
One thing that can be really frustrating on a site is the navigation. I have seen some sites where it is really difficult to navigate and find what you are looking for. It is an important part of website etiquette to have simple, consistent navigation. Your visitors should not feel like they are looking for a needle in a haystack.
If you have a commercial website, it is critical that you have the contact information for your company. When a visitor is looking for a phone number or an address and they cannot find it, it feels like you are hiding something. Show good business etiquette and make it very easy to locate.
As people inquire about your site, your products, or services, you should respond in a timely manner. It is just good online manners to answer inquiries quickly. You might even want to set up an autoresponder to notify the person as to how long it takes to get a response.
Finally, avoid doing things on your website just for search engine optimization (SEO) reasons. There are ways to balance keeping the search engines happy as well as keeping your site visitors happy. Most search engines are trying to find ways to keep their searchers happy. When you do things to keep your visitors happy, the search engines will reward you.
I hope these website etiquette tips help improve how your visitors interact with your website.