Yoga Etiquette
~Centering Yourself~
Yoga etiquette is truly about creating a peace about yourself
respect for others who have embarked on this journey of self
improvement. Yoga is a peaceful, introspective practice. It should be
done with a calmness and dignity.
Fortunately, there are yoga classes available for those of us
are new to the practice or those seasoned veterans who need guidance.
There are many different types of yoga, as well as levels.
This page is dedicated to all who practice yoga, no matter the style, place or
The following guidelines will give you what you need to have the best
experience you can, while at the same time allowing everyone around you
the same courtesy.
Yoga Etiquettes
- Time
Etiquette. Actually
good yoga etiquette is shown when you arrive 10-15 minutes before
class. If it is your first class, you should arrive 20 minutes early to
register, sign in and receive all of the information
- Shoe
Etiquette. Normally
there are designated areas near the front door for shoes to be left
during class. Yoga is practiced in your bare feet. By removing your
shoes when you first come in, you will keep all of the dirt and other
lovely things shoes have on them from being tracked in and around the
- Cell Phone
Etiquette. It
is very difficult to center yourself if your mind is wondering about
who is going to call or message you during class. It is also bad yoga
etiquette to leave it on so that it can ring or buzz during class. The
easiest way to avoid any of this is simply turn it off for the
period of the class. It will free your mind to concentrate on the
journey before you.
- Mat
Etiquette. A
yoga mat is essential to good practice. It is essential that you take
care of your mat, by cleaning it on a regular basis. If you are using a
studio mat, be sure to wipe it down after class and place it where it
needs to be. When you get to your spot in the studio, roll your mat out
rather than flinging it like a tablecloth. Do not step or walk on other
people's mats as you are moving about the room. It is
their space.
- Space
Etiquette. A
yoga studio is normally designed that all participants should have
adequate space to get into their poses without infringing on another's
area. Allow plenty of space for someone who is taller, because they
will need it.
- Noise
Etiquette. When
you are entering class, keep the noise level to a minimum. Chatting and
moving around like an elephant is disrespectful to those who are
already there. During class, try to avoid the noises that those lifting
weights tend to make. Some of the poses are difficult and can elicit a
sigh or quiet moan, however grunting, yelling out in pain or loud
moaning is not necessary. If you are in that much pain, that is your body telling you to
back off or adjust your pose.
- Personal
Etiquette. When
practicing yoga, you are in a very close space. It is easy for odors
(good and bad) to travel quickly. Any type of strong odor can be very
distracting to other people in the class. Be sure to remove any strong odors
associated with your body, whether it be sweat or perfume. Clean feet
are a good thing too.
- Dress
Etiquette. Showing
respect in class involves dressing appropriately for a yoga class. Good
yoga etiquette is shown when you are wearing clothes that will allow
you to move through the poses without worrying about adjustments and
- Teacher
Etiquette. Yoga instructors have spent many hours
refining their practice so that they can share their knowledge
with you. They are very
skilled at their craft.
Respecting their knowledge is good yoga etiquette. Follow the class as
they have designed it. If you need to adjust your pose, do so
accordingly. It is very distracting to the teacher and other students
to have someone doing their own routine in the middle of class. It
interrupts the flow and makes it hard to concentrate. If you have
suggestions you would like to share with the teacher, do so before or
after class off to the side.
- Children
Etiquette. Unless they are there to practice with you,
and are at a mature enough level to do so, leave your children at home.
It is too much to ask a young child to sit quietly through a yoga
class. Every time they would need to talk to you they would pull, not
only you, but everyone else around you out of your inner
- Gum
Etiquette. Don't chew it in class. That's about
- Bathroom
Etiquette. Save
your bathroom breaks for resting periods of class. The most common rest
times are during Child's Pose or Downward Dog. Quietly leave the room
and quietly re-enter the room and join the class.
- Savasana
Etiquette. This
is the final relaxation of the class and is very valuable to all who
have just completed a yoga journey. It is essential that you do not
skip this portion of class. It is easy to justify leaving, however
doing so will cause noise and disrupt the peace that comes over the
class at this time.
At the end of the day following yoga
etiquette is like following the golden rule. Respecting your instructor
and other students by treating them as you would like to be treated
will bring peace to your soul and enhance your journey.